Skin Conditions

The Best Sunscreen for All Skin Types, According to Dermatologists.

Choosing the best sunscreen can be difficult, so we consulted with the best dermatologist on how to choose a product that is safe and that actually works.

Whatever the prognosis, a sunscreen is one step you should never miss before going out all day. apply (and reapply!)  Sunscreens protect the skin from the strong ultraviolet rays […]


Vitiligo Facts: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Makeup

Vitiligo is a disorder that results in the patch pattern loss of skin color. The degree and proportion of color loss from vitiligo is variable. It can involve the skin on any part of the body including hair and the inner part of your mouth.

Vitiligo appears when the melanocytes that synthesize melanin become damaged or […]


Retinol Review: Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

What is Retinol and how does it work?

Retinol is listed as an ingredient in many skin care products. But what is retinol, and is it safe to use? Retinol is another name for a fat-soluble vitamin A that can be obtained naturally from animals or synthesized. Initially used in the treatment of acne, scientists have […]


HerSolution Sculpt System Review: Benefits, Ingredients, Side Effects, Cost and Testimonials

Detailed Review of HerSolution Booty Sculpting System
As a woman, you want your butt and every part of your skin to look smooth, firm and well-shaped. These qualities have a way of boosting confidence!

However, some changes or factors can alter the feel of your skin. These include aging and pregnancy. They lead to stretch marks and […]


Dermefface FX7 Review: Will This Cream Remove Your Scars?

Is Dermefface FX7 Really the Solution to Your Embarrassing Scars?
Do you have some nasty scars on your face or skin that you wished were gone already? Scars can be such an annoyance to see on your person. They have a way of reducing the radiance and appeal of the skin.

It is the desire of practically […]


Melasma: Causes, Treatments, Risks and Prognosis

What is melasma?
Melasma is a common yet chronic skin condition, which presents with blotchy, symmetrical, brown colored pigmentation predominantly over areas such as neck, chest, back or upper extremities.

Although melasma has no serious debilitating effects, it takes a toll on the affected individual due to cosmetic reasons. In some severe cases, it can result in […]


Rosacea Relief Serum Review: Benefits, Ingredients and Side Effects

Detailed Review of Skinception Rosacea Relief Serum
Are you looking for a scientifically formulated natural remedy for rosacea? Rosacea Relief Serum is a product that claims to be just that.

This skin problem can be tough to deal with and is typically “off” and “on.” It resolves, usually after treatment, to return again when triggered.

Rosacea is a […]


ClearPores Review: Benefits, Ingredients, Side Effects and Cost

Everything You Should Know Before Buying ClearPores
Have you been battling with acne that has defied practically every measure you have taken against it? Will ClearPores give you a clear, smooth, and healthy skin? You probably wonder.

If you are thinking of getting this acne treatment, you will do well to read this review to the very […]


Microdermabrasion: Can It Remove Scars, First Signs of Aging, Wrinkles and Blackheads

Over time, our skin can become damaged with acne scars, first signs of aging, wrinkles, blackheads, pimples, enlarged pores etc.  Some of these damages can sometimes cause psychological angst. To get rid of them, there are various medical techniques; today we will talk to you about microdermabrasion and give you our best advice to carry […]


Estrogen: How Does It Affect Your Skin, Your Health and Your Mind?

There is much to know about estrogen: its effect on collagen, why it causes health problems and why alcohol consumption can damage your breasts.

This hormone is an integral part of a woman’s life, but many of us know very little about it, except that its levels drop during perimenopause and can cause painful periods. Otherwise, […]