Plastic Surgery

Dermefface FX7 Review: Will This Cream Remove Your Scars?

Is Dermefface FX7 Really the Solution to Your Embarrassing Scars?
Do you have some nasty scars on your face or skin that you wished were gone already? Scars can be such an annoyance to see on your person. They have a way of reducing the radiance and appeal of the skin.

It is the desire of practically […]


Brazilian Butt Lift: Why Many Women Die After Having the Procedure

Having Kim Kardashian’s butt can be very dangerous to your health. Many women have died after undergoing a Brazilian butt lift!

Kim Kardashian or her sister Kylie Jenner have big cellulite free round buttocks that attract the envy of many women around the world. However, many patients who underwent cosmetic surgery to increase the size of […]


Disturbing Trend: People Are Having Plastic Surgery to Look Like Their Snapchat Pictures

This is an alarming trend that more and more doctors in the United States are seeing. Some people are asking them to look like their snapchat pictures.

Are you familiar with dysmorphophobia? Dysmorphophobia is a term used in medicine to describe people who are afraid of a physical defect. And it has become increasingly common in […]


A French Doctor Developed a Procedure to Change Eye Color Permanently

Ophthalmologist Francis Ferrari is currently the only one in the world to perform this operation. But what are the dangers of changing your eye color?

For some time now, in his office in Strasbourg, he has been treating patients of a completely new kind: men and women who want to change their eye color permanently. On […]