Linda Brown

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So far Linda Brown has created 143 blog entries.

Discover These 4 Incredible Skin Properties of Cinnamon

Did you know that cinnamon is one of the most effective ingredients to reactivate circulation? It is important not to use it directly. We’ll mix it with other ingredients to benefit from its properties.

The use of cinnamon for the skin has long been part of the traditions of natural medicine.

Its secret lies in its high […]


Essential Juicing Ingredients for Healthy and Radiant Skin

Are you an avid juicer or would you like to make juicing a new morning routine? Either way, increasing your fruit and vegetable intake is a good way to vary your diet and get a daily dose of healthy nutrients for your skin. Here are just a few super nutritious ingredients you can add to […]


The Best Sunscreen for All Skin Types, According to Dermatologists.

Choosing the best sunscreen can be difficult, so we consulted with the best dermatologist on how to choose a product that is safe and that actually works.

Whatever the prognosis, a sunscreen is one step you should never miss before going out all day. apply (and reapply!)  Sunscreens protect the skin from the strong ultraviolet rays […]


Students Make Smart Bra for Breast Cancer Detection

In the field of breast cancer, technology continues to support research. Students at the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, in collaboration with the newly created company IcosaMed, have developed SmartBra, a bra for the early detection of breast cancer, to reduce the number of deaths of women who contract the disease.

“The aim of this […]


Vitiligo Facts: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Makeup

Vitiligo is a disorder that results in the patch pattern loss of skin color. The degree and proportion of color loss from vitiligo is variable. It can involve the skin on any part of the body including hair and the inner part of your mouth.

Vitiligo appears when the melanocytes that synthesize melanin become damaged or […]


Instant Wrinkle Reducer Review: Will It Truly Reduce Your Wrinkles?

What can you do to keep away wrinkles from your skin? Many people, especially women, will stop at nothing to keep this skin aging sign away. Who doesn’t relish it when others say or think they look younger than their real age.

Instant Wrinkle Reducer by Skinception is a cream that offers a promise of a […]


Retinol Review: Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

What is Retinol and how does it work?

Retinol is listed as an ingredient in many skin care products. But what is retinol, and is it safe to use? Retinol is another name for a fat-soluble vitamin A that can be obtained naturally from animals or synthesized. Initially used in the treatment of acne, scientists have […]


Tattoos – What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Getting One?

People have been tattooing themselves throughout history, but in recent years tattoos have become more fashionable and acceptable. What used to be a symbol associated with prisoners and sailors has now become a way for individuals to express themselves more artistically.

In fact, many people are proud to wear the art they have designed or individualized […]


Hollywood Actors That Are Taller Than 6 Feet and 3 Inches

No special effects are needed to make these actors look like giants!
Many actors often look bigger than life on film and television screens, but for some celebrities it doesn’t take any special effects or shiny camera work to make them look like they’re flying over their stars. Some of these actors are very tall.

Below is […]


Cellulite: Risk Factors, Causes and Treatments

Cellulite is the development of bumps and pits in the skin. It is commonly known as orange-peel or cottage-cheese skin.

Although cellulite is predominantly seen in women, it can affect both genders. The preponderance of cellulite in women may be due to the difference in the fat distribution in comparison to males. Cellulite is a fairly […]